behind the shoji


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Meet The Chef

Motoki matsunaga

Nice to meet you, my name is Motoki Matsunaga. I am the owner of « rokujuan », a shop that sells flower warabi mochi.

I started and worked first in a French restaurant where I learned the base of what made the charm of frenchies then had  differents delicious experiences in the food industry like running ramen shops in Kansai region, or managing a ramen shop in Indonesia. Currently, I am running popular ramen shops such as Menroku and Gion Duck Noodle, which serve tsukemen and ramen made with Kishu duck or Hokado, a shop specialised in daifuku.
I started Rokujuan as a Hana Warabimochi shop because I falled in liove with the Kubo family residence (former Imao Keinen family residence), which is located in Rokkaku, Shinmachi, Nakagyo-ku, and is a nationally registered tangible cultural property.

I want that everyone can come in this beautiful house and share delicious moment in this fabulous place.

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the new classic

The Concept

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